Customized Competition Mentorship
For the expert pilot seeking an apprenticeship into the World Cup competition series. Achieve elite status!
A dedicated personal elite-level coach with over 20 years experience in teaching flying.
(2) 1-hour onboarding sessions.
(2) fully customizable monthly coaching sessions to meet your goals and prepare for your next event!
Competition Mentorship - a custom program developed to fully prepare you for the next event on your calendar!
(2) face-to-face video sessions every month (answer questions, talk gear, safety, goals and progress)!
(Up to 5) video analyses every month: expert analysis and feedback!
Unlimited program adjustments. Coaching is based on your evolving needs!
Unlimited email support and coaching. 24-hour maximum response times!
Unlimited calls and texts to provide you immediate support and technical coaching as its needed in real-time!
15% discount on Guided Trips and Clinics with priority booking - travel, train and learn through the global team experience!
Unlimited technical consultation on flying gear purchases. Discounts on gear purchased through Paragliding Guides!
Monthly seminars with industry leaders on curated topics pertaining to needs of World Cup Mentorship members in a group masterclass setting.
12-month members get one weekend of in-person coaching in a peer group annually. Small group ratios in varying locations to master specific training goals.